
What I Know, What I Think, What I Wonder — The Aftermath Edition

I know nobody likes when the new hires are making more than the folks with seniority. Especially when Noah Rogers and Bryson Rodgers both enrolled early and have been at Ohio State for an entire year.

I think Corey Dennis’ seat is a lot hotter after this loss than it was before. Devin Brown played an entire first quarter and never looked comfortable when he was healthy. Lincoln Kienholz got no help from the offensive line — or the play calling. Even his teammates felt bad for him after the game. This was a complete failure from the entire offensive staff.

I wonder if Ohio State wins this game if Devin Brown never gets hurt. I believe they do because Brown probably gets comfortable throughout the game and gets enough first downs to keep the OSU defense from getting gassed in the fourth quarter.

I know it’s a pretty big assumption that the same offensive staff that failed Lincoln Kienholz wouldn’t have also failed Devin Brown.

I think Ohio State needs to bring in a co-offensive coordinator as quarterbacks coach who will also be the play caller. It’s time for Ryan Day to be more involved in everything else — and have the time and awareness to handle it. He needs to be more available for game-day duties and being more available for his players. When he talked this past year about the possibility of giving up play calling, one of the reasons was that so he’d have more time for his players and what is going on with the roster. They’ve lost around 17 players to the transfer portal so far this year. Not all of those players are losses, but could Day and his coaches have done more to keep the ones who are losses?

I wonder what was going through Ryan Day’s mind when Missouri head coach Eli Drinkwitz was five feet away from him talking about how he had to check his ego when deciding that it was time to give up play calling for the Tigers offense.

To read the rest of this edition of What I Know, What I Think, What I Wonder, you can click here, but you must be a premium subscriber. Additional topics include the disappointing performance of the offensive line, coaches underperforming, job security, the departures of Bryson Rodgers and Noah Rogers, the pressure on Jeremiah Smith, the decision making of Ryan Day, the future of Parker Fleming and Keenan Bailey, what Lincoln Kienholz showed, and much, much more.

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