COLUMBUS — Ohio State head coach Ryan Day met with reporters following the Buckeyes’ come-from-ahead-and-then-behind 21-17 win over Nebraska. Day answered questions about his offense’s struggles, the officiating, the defense, and much more. The highlights of everything that was said can be found below.
Ryan Day
- Did this team play angry like you wanted? The way they came out in the fourth quarter and won the game is what he liked. “At the end of the day, we’ve got to win the game in the fourth quarter.” They don’t always find themselves in games like this. Truthfully, they shouldn’t be.
- They knew Nebraska was going to come out and play hard.
- They talked about winning the game in the fourth quarter in the off week. But if they continue to go 1-for-10 on third down and can’t run the ball, they’re going to put the defense in tough spots.
- They want to leave no doubt and not leave it up to one call.
- This will help them moving forward.
- The struggles on the offensive line? Both — Nebraska did stuff well and OSU didn’t.
- “I really liked the way the defense played.”
- They’ll figure out the next move at left tackle. They knew that if something happened to Zen Michalski, they’d go to Donovan Jackson this week.
- The execution on the deep passes was big with good throws and great catches.
- On the targeting call: “I’m not gonna say anything about that right now.”
- Cody Simon played possessed. That’s the mentality they wanted from the defense. “Guys were running around all over the place.” It has to be consistent. This was a good week of preparation. “We won a game on defense here, which is great.”
- On trailing in the fourth quarter: The thought is what do we have to do to score in the fourth quarter. Figure out how they’re going to go win the game and then go do it. “It’s our job as coaches to make sure we give them the right environ
Will Howard
- On winning in the fourth quarter: “I think it wasn’t perfect but a win is a win.” It shows that when things aren’t going their way they can still win the game. The defense did a great job of getting stops.
- The biggest thing about that game-winning drive was simply getting that first first down. “Once we had that, I felt like there wasn’t any stopping us.” “We’re way too explosive of an offense to stall out like that in the third quarter.”
- What’s with the offensive struggles? Not sure. Will look at the film. Didn’t run the ball well and a lot of the passes were in the play-action world. Don’t think there’s one thing to point at.
- “We’re in the playoffs now.” Every game has to be a win. Can’t ever get complacent because you never know.
- Nebraska does some “funky stuff up front” and they changed their looks. Credit to them.
- How did it affect you not having Josh Simmons? “It didn’t affect my decision making at all. That’s not something I think about. It’s not affecting anything I’m doing at all.” Got full faith in everybody they put out there. Josh Simmons is “a dude that we’re gonna miss” but Zen Michalski has stepped up. The next guy will as well if needed.
- On the deep passing: They hit the ones they had to hit. Maybe held up Carnell Tate a bit on that throw. They got the coverage they wanted on Tate and the one to Jeremiah Smith. “You ain’t catching No. 4 down the middle. Just put it up and let him run under it.”
- Did NU throw some different looks at you? “They did some interesting things up front and that messed up our run game a little bit.” They had two perfect blitzes that blew up some runs.
- How do you stay locked in when there are so few plays? “You gotta keep your head down, man.” “I’m not gonna let a couple of bad plays affect me.” You’ve got to find a way to win at the end and that’s what they did today.
- “I want to get back out there.” It bugs him, it irks him the way the offense played.
- “My ability to pull the ball and run is a really good effect on this offense. The more I’m able to do that, the better.” They didn’t really have it in that much in practice this week. When the game is on the line, “my legs come into the picture a lot more.”
- Going back to PA to play at Penn State: “I’m stoked. I cannot wait. It’s going to be a homecoming for me. I grew up wanting to go to Penn State.” They didn’t think he was good enough, so he supposes they’ll find out next week.
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