2019 Fiesta Bowl Justin Fields Clemson

Ranking The Greatest Ohio State Football Teams Since 1990

Ohio State football has won two national championships and 15 Big Ten championships since 1990. They’ve won the Rose Bowl four times, and made the College Football Playoff five times.

But which of those Buckeye teams was the most dominant? Tyler Shoemaker of the TShoe Index put his numbers to work to figure that out. He measured each team’s offense and defense and came up with some surprising results.

Tyler joins host Tom Orr to discuss all of that, and put some recent teams in context on this episode of Buckeyes TomOrrow Morning.

You can listen to today’s episode on Spreaker by clicking here, or search “Buckeye Huddle” to find it on other podcast platforms.

It’s also available on YouTube, or you can watch it in the embedded player below. 

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Tom Orr

Writer, Photographer, Host of "Buckeye Weekly" and "Buckeyes TomOrrow Morning" podcasts