I know that I was encouraged to hear Jim Knowles say on Tuesday that Sonny Styles can now handle playing middle linebacker. When I asked him about that possibility a little over a week ago, it wasn’t in the picture. Knowles said they did it a little bit but he didn’t want to put too much on him.
I think it’s pretty impressive that Sonny Styles was able to show that it wouldn’t be too much in such a short span of time. We’re talking about the span of 5-7 practices.
I wonder what else they’re still learning about Sonny Styles and what it means for this Ohio State defense.
I know the anticipation for JJ Smith’s debut is right up there with Andy Katzenmoyer and Maurice Clarett in my memory. Orlando Pace had hype but there’s only so much talking you can do about a left tackle. Katzenmoyer and Clarett were out there making big plays in their debuts as well. Clarett went for 175 yards (205 total yards) and three touchdowns in his debut. Katzenmoyer had eight tackles, three tackles for loss, and two sacks in his first game. Can JJ meet those metrics?
I think if Urban Meyer were still the head coach, he’d be tossing out some outlandish superlatives. He once said something to the effect of Binjimen Victor having as much potential as any receiver he’s ever had. Meyer would turn the dial to 11 on JJ Smith and shout to the rooftops that he makes Percy Harvin look like a dock worker. And not one of the physical laborers. A paper pusher.
I wonder what Urban Meyer would say about Chris Henry, Jr.
To read the rest of this extended edition of What I Know, What I Think, What I Wonder, you can click here. You will need to be a premium subscriber. Additional topics this week include more on Sonny Styles and Jeremiah Smith, a role for CJ Hicks, a young offensive lineman stepping into a big role, Will Howard being a more aggressive quarterback, Jayden Ballard’s intriguing situation, what makes an effective kick returner, injury updates, and more.
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