Recent content by Chic's Ghost

  1. Chic's Ghost

    Will Miyan Williams Be Full-Go For The Peach Bowl?

    Funny thing is that its always been that way. Back in the day you would have thought Bear Bryant walked on water, even though he was a chain smoking, womanizing, gambling cheater. Every year he TOLD the Sugar Bowl the team he wanted to play. But, sportswriters think everything in the South is...
  2. Chic's Ghost

    Will Miyan Williams Be Full-Go For The Peach Bowl?

    Crazy that the year when I think there was more RB talent on the team than any year before, Bucks are short at RB for the playoff. Insane amount of injury. Evan Prior, Henderson and TC Caffey all out. That's just sucks. And now, we really don't know if Williams is healthy. Crap, crap, crap.