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  1. Some.old.guy

    Is the site easy to navigate?

    How does one go back to the top of the thread page after reading an entire thread? For example after making this post, I’d like to go back to the home page for this forum and see all the threads, pinned and not.
  2. Some.old.guy

    Looking forward to launch tomorrow!

    Will there be a difference in the subscriber experience for monthly versus annual members?
  3. Some.old.guy

    Is the site easy to navigate?

    Yes, but it shows all posts to the thread. Not just a quote reply. So if I post in the middle of thread about the Toledo game, and ask if anyone is having a tailgate, I won't know if someone replies to me without scrolling through the whole thread.
  4. Some.old.guy

    Is the site easy to navigate?

    ^^^ THIS ^^^