Tony Gerdeman
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  • Hi Tony! Long time Buckeye fan (lived in Columbus 40+ years) and we now live in Buford, GA. I am going to the spring game next week at Buford HS and was wondering if you were heading down?
    I am a paid subscriber. How do I access Ross Fulton analysis so, I can see the video? I used to be able to do it jsut a few weeks ago but no longer. HELP!
    Tony - if you get time and can fit it into one of your or Tom's shows, I'm interested in how the walk-ons figure into the season. NCAA says 105 total players; Day said 110 at B10 media; current roster shows 84 scholarship (including Lewis from USC) and 37 walk-ons for a total of 121. Are there scout teams that can be non-roster or other avenues for the players to fit in the 105/110 NCAA requirement?
    Tony Gerdeman
    There is a limit of 105 before classes start, but once classes begin there is no limit on roster number, outside of the 85 scholarship limit.
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