Brian Hartline Hospitalized Following ATV Accident

Ohio State offensive coordinator and receivers coach Brian Hartline was injured in an ATV accident early Sunday morning on his property. Following the news being first reported by Columbus WCMH Channel 4, Hartline tweeted out that he was doing well. Ohio State also released a statement, saying that Hartline expects to be released from the...

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Aug 1, 2022
Admitted to Sheriff authorities that he had been drinking.

Also it was stated in the story I read that when authorities entered his hospital room there was a strong odor or smell of alcohol in it.

I do not believe he was administered a breathalyzer test or volunteered to to give a blood or urine sample. The accident occurred on private property therefore police authorities may not have jurisdiction or legal authority to do so.

Anyway, provided if all of this is in fact true, will there be any consequences for Coach Hartline?
I know the accident occurred on his property but the behavior nonetheless is risky and troublesome.

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