Board Rules

Marc Givler

Staff member
Jul 24, 2022
Columbus, Ohio
Just wanted to lay out the board rules. There aren't many, but please follow them as we want to create the most welcoming environment possible here. Remember, everyone is here for the same reason; a passion for Ohio State football and athletics.

1. No politics. That has been my long held rule and that will continue here. There are plenty of places for political discourse, but this won't be one of them. In 25 years, I've yet to see talking politics on an OSU message board be a positive thing and something that doesn't spill over into on-topic threads.

2. Respect your fellow posters. No cussing out fellow posters because you don't agree with them, no name-calling, just be respectful. Speak to your fellow OSU fans as you would if you were at a campus joint having a beer together. I've been at the site gatherings before, the dialogue is always fantastic and respectful, think of this as an extension of the sports bar.

3. No "Site Wars" drama. I understand everyone has their favorite writers and I encourage you to support as many of your favorites as you can, but we're not in the business of drama. We're focusing on our product, our content, and our community, and that's it.

I will always communicate any issues to the proper parties, you won't login one morning and find the site not working. I'll always make sure there is dialogue before it gets to that point. But please respect the above three rules.


Well-known member
Premium member
  • Jul 25, 2022
    I have another suggested rule…

    All sentences MUST be their own paragraphs, and followed by ellipses to add a sense of intrigue for no apparent reason…

    Without exception…

    As usual, TIFWIW…
    Gotta admit, I love ellipses and use them WAY too often …
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    Well-known member
    Premium member
    Jul 25, 2022
    I have another suggested rule…

    All sentences MUST be their own paragraphs, and followed by ellipses to add a sense of intrigue for no apparent reason…

    Without exception…

    As usual, TIFWIW…
    Gotta admit, I love ellipses and use them WAY too often …

    Truthfully, I also used ellipses far too often. I have stopped using them cold turkey for this very reason.

    I will, however, continue to end each and every post with 3 returns and a period to allow for better negative space in my posts. Otherwise the works look too crowded.

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    Well-known member
    Premium member
    Jul 24, 2022
    Truthfully, I also used ellipses far too often. I have stopped using them cold turkey for this very reason.

    I will, however, continue to end each and every post with 3 returns and a period to allow for better negative space in my posts. Otherwise the works look too crowded.

    Good to see you here my man!
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    Well-known member
    Jul 24, 2022
    I have another suggested rule…

    All sentences MUST be their own paragraphs, and followed by ellipses to add a sense of intrigue for no apparent reason…

    Without exception…

    As usual, TIFWIW…
    Proven fact that psychopaths use ellipses in their daily musings…
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    Well-known member
    Jul 24, 2022
    Lakewood, Ohio
    Love it. A certain "bigger site" loves to jail people and they don't have any idea what they did wrong. there are so many mods, that mod A, may not like poster B and that poster gets banned for the exact same thing another posters says with no ramifications. I love the adult way transgressions are handled here.
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    MaybeBuck Loves BogeyInn

    Well-known member
    Premium member
  • Jul 25, 2022
    Love it. A certain "bigger site" loves to jail people and they don't have any idea what they did wrong. there are so many mods, that mod A, may not like poster B and that poster gets banned for the exact same thing another posters says with no ramifications. I love the adult way transgressions are handled here.
    That site will not be bigger on 9/1/22.
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