Big Ten’s Best: Center

The start of the college football season is just a few short weeks away and it promises to be an entertaining race in the Big Ten. Now, if you are an Ohio State fan, you are hoping it is not too interesting, especially after coming up short last season. But the other 13 teams have...

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Kevin Noon

I like beer
Staff member
  • Aug 10, 2022
    I think you may need to switch 2 and 3 right now.
    I think I made a similar comment in the guard thread, sometimes I go with what I have seen over what I have read. I have not seen the UVA transfer, but on paper he sure looks impressive but I have watched Luke’s body of work much closer.

    I know too that there are going to be people who might howl if I have Ohio State guys too low or under TTUN guys. I tried my best to take school names off the list as I was making them but you know how it goes sometimes.
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    Jul 26, 2022
    Your comment about Wypler not being noticed was a good thing reminds me of my high school coach. He coached the line and told them "if the RB runs through the wrong hole the fans will blame you for not blocking" and "only your mother will be watching you because even your dad will be watching whoever has the ball".
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