Is the site easy to navigate?


Well-known member
  • Jul 25, 2022
    I'm having a terrible time finding Nevadabuck's nuggets on here.

    Seriously though, like others have said, I would love to be able to access messages and notifications easier, and if I could click on the main logo and have it bring me to the main forum view with sticky threads at the top.

    All in all, it's pretty easy to use,though. Thanks!
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    Well-known member
    Premium member
    Jul 24, 2022
    If at all possible, it'd be nice to have a flag on the profile icon to show if anyone has quoted you or liked any of your witty and mind blowing knowledge. I'd like to find an easier way to see if I have any DM's well.

    Outside of that, there seems to be a lot of doorways to get to threads, but nothing crazy. I like the site outside of what's been pointed out
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    Well-known member
  • Jul 24, 2022
    Nashville, TN
    For me, if I am in a thread and I want to get back to the "top" of "The Huddle" forum rather than the forum list or the new threads page I scroll to the bottom and click on the "The Huddle" link in the breadcrumbs footer. I am happy enough with that system. You can also scroll up to the same breadcrumbs in the header. That will always get you to the pinned threads in "The Huddle" forum.
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    Alex Gleitman

    Well-known member
    Jul 24, 2022
    These are new discussions.

    I think Ill talk to team about a better way to post sticky messages and such, but outside of that the feeds are a way for you to get:
    1. Hot (most "popular" thread with activity in the last hour)
    2. Threads (new thread discussions, based on time created)
    3. Latest activity (everything, including likes/reactions and social posts. Media uploads and other things would go in here also - so pretty much ALL activity)
    4. Posts (all new posts, regardless of within what thread)
    5. Social (offtopic personal jokes, personal updates, random off-topic posts, images/video from you, etc.)
    6. Forum list (traditional list)
    You can also change your "default" aka the one you see when you click the logo or "forums" link in your preferences.

    View attachment 405
    This helps but I think people would want their default to be The Huddle board which would solve all.
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    Alex Gleitman

    Well-known member
    Jul 24, 2022
    Yes, but it shows all posts to the thread. Not just a quote reply. So if I post in the middle of thread about the Toledo game, and ask if anyone is having a tailgate, I won't know if someone replies to me without scrolling through the whole thread.
    You can adjust that in your preferences
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    Well-known member
    Jul 24, 2022
    Hey all! This is Mike, I just wanted to make sure you guys were all enjoying the new site experience. Would love some feedback!
    I think It’ll be fine. It’s gonna take time to get comfortable. I think notifications when someone replies to you would be nice. Currently, clicking on my avatar works, it’s not that big of a deal.
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    Jul 27, 2022
    I am one of the few who only looks at stuff using my phone’s web browser. Nothing bad there — my only issue with the sites navigation is that sometimes there are sticky threads and sometimes there are not for me. I like the sticky threads. I always have to enter the forum of “buckeye huddle” to get them back. Might be on my end but just a little thing that makes it cleaner.
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