Your Hat Science Field Guide

Hat Science was born in its current formal form on December 13, 2013 during the commitment ceremony of linebacker Raekwon McMillan. Back then, it was hardly the multi-dollar industry that it is now. How did it come to be the all-consuming study that it is today? I’m a pretty humble guy, so I’m not claiming...

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3rd & Jeremiah

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Jul 25, 2022
Hey Tod,
I must admit you blinded me with science! I do have a question as to whether your eminent brilliance considered how the wingspan of a player might influence his placement of the chosen hat? Someone with an above average reach, like say Dawand Jones, might he position his hat further from center, perhaps even into one of the typically forsaken end positions? Do you have video of Dawand's hat selection ceremony?
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3rd & Jeremiah

Well-known member
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Jul 25, 2022
It's time, it's time, it's time.... will hat science be validated? Will Air Noland choose the correct hat (OSU, of course) no matter where it is placed?
Woo hoo! THE Ohio State Buckeyes! He picked the good guys!
I couldn't see the hats though..... sad face
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